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Remembering The Reason

Updated: Jul 16, 2019

The Chef's Table is proud and honored to have the opportunity to host a fundraising dinner and silent auction for Healing Warrior Hearts (, an organization that provides free retreats to veterans dealing with emotional issues from their service, helping to reduce the suicide rate of 20 veterans per day.

WTMJ's Positively Milwaukee featured them in January, Click Here to watch!

Advances in field treatment and medical technology are allowing more veterans to return home after injuries, physical and mental. However, many of them struggle with finding peace of mind and heart in returning to civilian life. Many of those who return without physical wounds are suffering emotional trauma and moral injury, resulting in Post Traumatic Stress and other emotional difficulties.

Healing Warrior Hearts offers weekend retreats at no cost to veterans to help them find emotional recovery and well-being. Founder Patricia Clason has been doing this work for twenty-five years. Her work has recently been chosen for a documentary, Veterans Journey Home:

Remembering the Reason will be an annual event. Next year’s event will be celebrating the release of the Veterans Journey Home documentary on May 25, 2019.

My father, Sgt Major Richard Turzinski, US Army medic, Silver Star recipient, served in World War II. I recall the day we watched tanks travel Locust St during the 1967 riots in Milwaukee, when he said to me "I pray this is the closest you ever come to knowing war." After 25 years of working with veterans, I better understand the pain in his voice and the PTSD he suffered. This Remembering event, and all of my work with veterans, is my gratitude for his service and for all those who have served. Please join me in honoring them all, as we Remember the Reason for Memorial Day.

-Patricia Clason, Founder, Healing Warrior Hearts

Healing Warrior Hearts is an all-volunteer organization, with 98% of funds received going to program delivery. They need your help to provide these retreats, to cover meals, facility expenses, and other costs related to the retreats.

Event registration will be handled through Healing Warrior Hearts.


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